solebox goes virtual
Viewing and buying artworks from the couch: solebox and glod is taking the important step of making art a digital experience.After the successful cooperation in 2020, solebox and artist Glod worked on another collaborative exhibition! The redesigned gallery in the the solebox store in Vienna is now open with a completely new concept and artworks.
Jasomirgottstrasse 6, 1010 Vienna
Mo - We : 10:00 - 19:00
Th - Fr: 10:00 - 20:00
Sa: 10:00 - 18:00
Donation for a good cause!
Depending on the amount of your donation, you will receive a catalog or a signed poster of the current exhibition.With your donation you support street children and children without the possibility of school education and medical care in the 3rd world as well as homeless people in Austria.
Spende für einen guten Zweck!
Je nach Höhe deiner Spende bekommst du einen Katalog oder ein signiertes Austellungsplakat.Durch deine Spende unterstützt du Straßenkinder und Kinder ohne Möglichkeit auf Schulbildung und ärztliche Versorgung in der 3. Welt sowie obdachlose Menschen in Österreich.